Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I decided I would go back to school. Actually it was AJ's idea. I told him when we moved to Oklahoma that I would start looking for a job. He said he would take care of us, if I would just go back to school and finish.

I thought school was out of the question for me until he mentioned it. After he did and I got enrolled I left the school knowing that this was a very attainable goal.

After I had Riley I thought, "School is just out of the question. It's time to do what I can to take care of my family." Now I've realized that school IS what I can do to take care of my family.

I had to meet with the Dean before they would officially enroll me. Which is something my other schools never had me do. It was such a blessing to get to meet with her. Dr. Fisher is such a caring woman who wants her students to do well. She gave me some great advice too! First she convinced me to change my major to something a little more broad. Instead of Fashion Merchandising and Marketing, I've changed to Business Administration and Marketing. I told Dr. Fisher about how worried I was about school. She told me, "Do you ask your doctor what grade he made in freshman Biology?" "All you know is that he passed and now he's your doctor." "So just do your best and get these classes done." "And I'll be cheering when you walk across the stage."

I have a feeling she says that to all the students she speaks with but it helped me either way. I'm motivated to change my life for the better.

So here's to a better life for my family....and to every step I take towards graduation!

Our Family

My photo
Woodward, Oklahoma, United States
"The way to know life is to love many things." I am a lover of many people, places, and things! I enjoy seeking out places and activities that bring me happiness. I've already been blessed with plenty of people that make my life complete. I have been married to my wonderful husband, Anthony(he's AJ to you), for 3 years. Together we have 2 beautiful children, a son Riley-5, and a daughter Tatum-2. We are blessed to have parents that remind us that marriage is something you work at everyday. I am also so blessed to have lifelong friends...and I mean it we've been friends for 20+ years. I always have my eyes open for a great find or a piece of history to brighten my life. But the people I'm blessed to call family and friends are the greatest treasures I own.
