Saturday, April 9, 2011

Alabaster Caverns

This morning we woke up early and drove out to the Alabaster Caverns about 20 miles North of Woodward. We went on a guided tour through the caverns. The camera died after the first picture we took so there aren't too many pictures. We got to touch all the ceilings and walls of the naturl caverns. We saw where the pioneers would camp out and hide inside the caverns. We also saw bats....yuck.

Here the kids are looking a little freaked out by the bats....I was too.

After the tour through the caverns we had a picnic lunch, played soccer, and hiked some trails. AJ and Riley decided to climb to the top of a small canyon.

Here is the trail the boys hiked.

These pictures are zoomed so you can see the boys.

They were so high up.

Tatum and I sat in the car in the air conditioning. I told her to smile and say "cheese." Here she is with her classic cheese face.

It was a beautiful day out. We had so much fun that when we got home we all crashed. More adventures to come. Stay tuned....

-The Gardners-

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Our Family

My photo
Woodward, Oklahoma, United States
"The way to know life is to love many things." I am a lover of many people, places, and things! I enjoy seeking out places and activities that bring me happiness. I've already been blessed with plenty of people that make my life complete. I have been married to my wonderful husband, Anthony(he's AJ to you), for 3 years. Together we have 2 beautiful children, a son Riley-5, and a daughter Tatum-2. We are blessed to have parents that remind us that marriage is something you work at everyday. I am also so blessed to have lifelong friends...and I mean it we've been friends for 20+ years. I always have my eyes open for a great find or a piece of history to brighten my life. But the people I'm blessed to call family and friends are the greatest treasures I own.
